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Nexus Root Toolkit — Программа для получения ROOT-прав на NEXUS-девайсах.
- Автор/Разработчик: WugFresh
- Категория/Жанр: ROOT доступ
- Платформа: Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP
- Состояние/Активация : freeware
- Язык интерфейса: en
- Разрешение экрана multiscreen
Пароль на архив
Введите пароль: rulsmart.com
Поддерживаемые устройства :
- Galaxy Nexus: GSM Models (both yakju and non-yakju builds)
- Galaxy Nexus: CDMA/LTE Verizon Models
- Galaxy Nexus: CDMA/LTE Sprint Models
- Nexus S: Worldwide, i9020t and i9023 Models
- Nexus S: 850MHz, i9020a Models
- Nexus S: Korea, m200 Models
- Nexus S 4G: d720 Models
- Nexus 7: Asus Tablet
- Nexus 7 3G: Asus Tablet
- Nexus 7 v2 (2013): Asus Tablet
- Nexus 7 v2 (2013) LTE: Asus Tablet
- Nexus 10: Samsung Tablet
- Nexus 4: LG Phone
- Nexus 5: LG Phone
- Galaxy Nexus: CDMA/LTE Verizon Models
- Galaxy Nexus: CDMA/LTE Sprint Models
- Nexus S: Worldwide, i9020t and i9023 Models
- Nexus S: 850MHz, i9020a Models
- Nexus S: Korea, m200 Models
- Nexus S 4G: d720 Models
- Nexus 7: Asus Tablet
- Nexus 7 3G: Asus Tablet
- Nexus 7 v2 (2013): Asus Tablet
- Nexus 7 v2 (2013) LTE: Asus Tablet
- Nexus 10: Samsung Tablet
- Nexus 4: LG Phone
- Nexus 5: LG Phone
Новое :
- Fixes to ‘Flash Stock + Unroot’ with ‘Other/Browse’ when choosing a .tar file instead of .tgz, should now work properly for all users.
- New button in the toolkits device-selection window for auto-detecting your particular device and build for ease of use (and to prevent user error).
- Added an additional message box after performing nandroid backups to ask the end-user if they would like to remove the backup which still resides on their device.
- Added the proper file dependency checks at the beginning of the re-lock script to ensure all required files are present for N5 user (to allow auto-flashing the reset-tamper-flag zip).
- Tweaked the rounding function for displaying the file/dir size of backups so that it displays two decimal places by default.
- Updated the included Backup/Restore apps by Ritesh Sahu to the latest available versions (more specifically the sms backup-restore app should now work properly on KitKat builds).
- Uploaded all NRT files that were previously missing on Goo.im due to their read-only restrictions during their server relocation period - so now users can fully use either AndroidFileHost.com or Goo.im (choice available in the toolkits options menu).
- Some other small bug fixes, improvements and optimizations.
- New button in the toolkits device-selection window for auto-detecting your particular device and build for ease of use (and to prevent user error).
- Added an additional message box after performing nandroid backups to ask the end-user if they would like to remove the backup which still resides on their device.
- Added the proper file dependency checks at the beginning of the re-lock script to ensure all required files are present for N5 user (to allow auto-flashing the reset-tamper-flag zip).
- Tweaked the rounding function for displaying the file/dir size of backups so that it displays two decimal places by default.
- Updated the included Backup/Restore apps by Ritesh Sahu to the latest available versions (more specifically the sms backup-restore app should now work properly on KitKat builds).
- Uploaded all NRT files that were previously missing on Goo.im due to their read-only restrictions during their server relocation period - so now users can fully use either AndroidFileHost.com or Goo.im (choice available in the toolkits options menu).
- Some other small bug fixes, improvements and optimizations.
Похожие файлы на Nexus Root Toolkit
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