3554 загрузок Скачать Music Play... 1.51 Мб - apk
Music Player (Remix) - 1.4.7 - Продвинутый аудиоплеер со многими уникальными особенностями для телефонов и планшетов.
- Год выпуска : 30.11.2013
- Автор/Разработчик : Hedami
- Категория/Жанр : аудиоплеер
- Платформа : apk,Android 2.3+
- Состояние/Активация : freeware
- Версия : up to 1.4.7
- Язык интерфейса : en
- Разрешение экрана : multiscreen
Описание :
Новое :
(Bug Fix) Album art searches were always failing due to an API change.
(Bug Fix) Downloading album art could lock up the app on certain devices.
(Bug Fix) App could crash when loading on certain devices.
(Bug Fix) On certain Android 4.3 and 4.4 devices, the music service would not close (or re-open) when tapping 'X' in the notification area.
(Bug Fix) App could crash on certain devices when pinching/zooming the lyrics.
(Bug Fix) Downloading album art could lock up the app on certain devices.
(Bug Fix) App could crash when loading on certain devices.
(Bug Fix) On certain Android 4.3 and 4.4 devices, the music service would not close (or re-open) when tapping 'X' in the notification area.
(Bug Fix) App could crash on certain devices when pinching/zooming the lyrics.

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